Mecklenburg County Council on Aging - Charlotte, NC
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Each of us is an older adult “under construction.” To ensure that our community is where we want to live when we reach “older” and one that understands and meets the needs of our older friends, neighbors and family members today, advocating for a senior-friendly* community and issues impacting quality of life is an important activity.

Council on Aging Advocacy Programs provide the skills, tools and information to empower all of us to advocate to create a senior-friendly* Charlotte-Mecklenburg. 

Council on Aging’s original advocacy training program,  Program for Senior Advocates,  has provided over 800 aging adults the skills they need to transform this community into one where they want to live and can age with dignity and independence.  Additional Advocacy Programs will create even more opportunities for new advocates to become empowered to transform Charlotte-Mecklenburg into a model senior-friendly* community.

If you’d like to stay informed about developments in Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s transformation into a senior-friendly* community, just sign up now. 


*A senior-friendly community allows aging adults
to maintain independence, dignity and quality of life.


Advocacy Programs
Advocacy Alerts
website by BELLAWORKS